Qualified undergraduate English and English Education majors at the University of Delaware may choose to apply to the Teaching English Learner (TESL) 4+1 program. Through this program, you can earn a B.A in English/English Education and an MA in Teaching English Learner in 5 years, rather than a traditional four-year bachelors degree and a two-year masters degree.
Alternative Routes to Certification

ARTC can help you earn a teaching certificate as:
Teacher of a “Critical Need” or Another Selected Subject
Schools are often challenged to find enough certified teaching candidates in certain subjects like art, business, English, English Learners, library/media, math, music, science, secondary special education, engineering/technology, world languages, and family/consumer sciences. ARTC identifies highly qualified teaching candidates in one of those content areas and guides them through the process of finding a teaching position in their field in a DE public school and gaining a standard teaching certificate.
Teacher of Students with Special Needs
Through our Master’s Plus Certification Program (MPCP) you can earn standard certificates in Exceptional Children and a content area as well as a master’s degree. In a school’s attempt to meet its commitment to provide a relevant and challenging education for every student, it relies on the specific expertise and skills of its teachers of children with special needs. A two-year intensive graduate degree program, MPCP accepts candidates who have a bachelor’s degree but no education courses and allows them to work during the first year as a full-time, paid paraprofessional in a special needs classroom and the second year as the full-time, paid special needs teacher of record – all while completing coursework for their standard certificates in Exceptional Children and a content area as well as a master’s degree.
School Library/Media Specialist
The school library is often the nerve center of student learning, especially in schools committed to 21st century, student-centered, hands-on education. The school library/media specialist collaborates with all teachers as well as off-site resources in leading students through independent research, guided learning and literary appreciation at all levels.